Sunday, August 01, 2010

What is Academic Coaching?

The best coaches listen actively to a student's concerns and ask powerful questions to help him or her:

• Get ready to learn
• Leverage strengths and learning styles
• Address weaknesses
• Use emotional and social intelligence to excel at school and work
• Think creatively and critically
• Understand the global landscape
• Develop and fulfill goals in learning and life.

How is Coaching Delivered?

We offer one-to-one coaching and affordable training workshops for parents, teachers, and counselors. Both formats offer a complete coaching experience, built on activities, reading and writing assignments.

For Students:

Manage resources, match your abilities and interests to career fields, understand the global landscape, rebound from setbacks and prepare for the real world of work.

For Parents, Teachers and Counselors:

We train professionals who are serious about making major improvements in K-12 education through coaching, district seminars, parent sessions and teacher training to:

• Improve their interpersonal (and managerial) effectiveness using coaching skills as a primary communication and motivational tool.
• Utilize the LifeBound line of books and curricula, giving teacher training sessions and developing your own coaching practice with students, parents and faculty.

Contact us for our individual and small group coaching and training!

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