Thursday, October 05, 2006

College Essay Tips

What has your essay got to do with your campus visit? Everything! In your college application essay, make it known if the college is your first choice, and why. On the college web site, research the college mission, history, president’s message, and program structure to get a full understanding of what you can expect as a student. Then visit when school is in session and talk to current students. The buildings will be open then, and you will see the level of congestion on campus. Ask students to describe the attributes of the college that exceeded their expectations (and what disappointed them.) Take the student-guided tour and get a feel for the lifestyle on campus; the “big programs”; whether academic orcampus organizations. If possible, speak with a student and instructor in your program. Try to connect with them and then ask for their support in the admissions process. Can they make a call or write a letter to the Admissions Department on your behalf?

Be true to your passions. The extracurricular activities that you discuss on your application should be selective, and reflect your core values. Do you truly excel in your extracurricular activities? You should be deeply and consistently involved, preferably in a leadership role. If you have championed something new or accomplished an important goal for an organization, make sure to show the impact that you’ve personally made. And if so, do you have leadership qualities that can make an impact on this campus? Describe your vision!